Monthly Archives: November 2016

I Did It!


I contemplated for a long time. I did research. I checked blogs, pictures and Youtube. I googled every possible question, like; how do I transition? Is it difficult to transition? Is it a good idea to transition? I asked my mother, who has beautiful white hair, what she thought and most importantly, I asked my husband how he would feel about me letting my grey hair grow out? There was no resistance. I was pretty surprise and very happy that Eric (my hubby)said, “go for it!” So, I did!!

To be very honest, not only was I tired of having to color my hair every two weeks because my shiny silvers would grow way too fast, but I was also having to deal with the damaging side effects of the chemicals on my hair and skin. However, it turned out to be much more than that. It has also become just one step closer to being ME. For so long (since I was 19) I hid a part of myself behind color. I was a brunette, a red head and even a near-blond. I had light hair, bright hair and dark hair. Under all the layers of color, I hid.

Taking a step of boldness and faith was not easy because, I have always cared about what others thought of me. As fast as my hair grew, I knew it would not grow fast enough for me to avoid the awkward stages my hair would go through or the awkward looks I would receive.img1440885218987

The first 3 months, I wore my hair in styles that were pulled up, more often than down. As you can see from the picture above, it actually looked as if I were losing hair. During this time I had to keep myself motivated by looking at pictures of other women who had transitioned from color to grey.


Some days, I thought, “This doesn’t look so bad” and other days I wanted to hide but I didn’t! I was watching a metamorphosis take place. It wasn’t just my hair that was changing, but I’ll leave that for another blog post……I remained patient and, unlike so many times in the past, I looked past my discomfort and the wierd looks. I just let the transition take place. My hair is the topic of many questions, stares and comments. I would have never guessed the amount of people that love it and tell me, they also want to grow out their grey. All I say is, GO FOR IT!!! I did it!!


“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”