Tag Archives: women



In the beginning, it all came so easy. I started Weight Watcher’s, changed my diet and began losing weight. I was feeling so good. I had more energy. I felt like I had finally conquered, what I call, “The thorn in my side”. After getting married and having children, I always seem to struggle with my weight. This time however, I really believed that the struggle was over. I even stood up before our church congregation and told them that I finally was in a place of victory and I wasn’t going back. WRONG!!!!! Without warning, I was completely blindsided! Like a boxer, in round 2, I was feeling a little weary and out of focus. Suddenly, I was hit with a left, then a right and BOOM, the uppercut made me weak at the knees and I was down for the count! “One, two, three…….” Read the rest of this entry

Even In My Not-So-Good Times



Not long ago, I began reading the book of Job and, in the very first chapter, Everything that Job owned was taken away from him and all his children killed. I could not even imagine the agonizing pain and grief that Job must have felt. Read the rest of this entry

Stopping My Moving Lips


Silence is golden, and sometimes the silence has to come from me. I have always been a social butterfly. I’ve never had a problem with striking up a conversation, making a comment, asking a question. As a young girl, I was warned about my talkative ways. My cousin, Joe (more like an uncle), use to sing a song to me; “you talk too much, you worry me to death. You talk too much, you worry me to death” and in school I was always being scolded for my talking. I realize now that my voice was often used to “cover-up” things that I did not want to deal with. A joke to hide feelings of sadness. A compliment to avoid rejection, etc.

Well, today is a new day and another lesson learned; my “process” continues! I had to face the fact that speaking is not always necessary or helpful. Sometimes listening serves a much better purpose. Hearing what other people have to say about me can and will be used as a stepping stone to becoming a better me. Taking what I hear to the Father, asking Him what He says about it and then allowing Him to teach me what to do. Trust me, there have been many things said as I have decided to open up my ears and shut my moving lips!

It has taken this long (remember, I am 46 years young) to finally come to terms with the idea of being able to change into the woman God wants me to be, instead of the woman I think He wants me to be. There is a huge difference! The woman He wants me to be, has to move out of her comfort zone, be willing to let the flesh die (which can be quite painful!). Now the woman I think He wants me to be, always stays close to what is comfortable. The moment it hurts, she cries out, “this couldn’t possibly be God, He would never let me go through this!” and retreats to her zone.
Praise the Lord for spiritual growth! I am especially thankful that there is no age limit to growing in Him!

My beautiful sisters (and brothers, too), take time everyday to be silent and listen. Learn from what you hear, take it to the Lord and ask Him about it. Allow Holy Spirit to teach you and change you. Never retreat when it becomes painful. Rejoice in the fact that your flesh is dying and a better you is resurrecting!



Ok, so today I sit here at my computer to try and write my blog. I never have considered myself a writer but, I have always found an outlet in writing. However; today I have “writer’s block”. AAAHHHHH! How annoying! How am I suppose to continue a blog if I can’t think of what to write?

Have you ever felt like you were being “blocked”? Maybe not “writer’s block” but blocked from reaching a particular goal in life? Or maybe you have several goals and you feel overwhelmed by the thought of working towards achieving them. Could it be that YOU are keeping yourself from moving forward because your bound in fear and allowing the enemy to convince you that, “You are fine right where you are”? Well, its time to take a stand and shout, “get thee behind me, you lying devil!”

Read the rest of this entry